Which Dyson ‘Universal’ Adaptor Do I Need?

Dyson adaptors! A Big subject whether you call it an adaptor, an adapter or a converter. Confusingly, Dyson market what they call a ‘universal adaptor’ which is actually nothing of the sort. So which Dyson tool adaptor do you need? One size doesn’t fit all. Despite what some will tell you. Dyson V7, V8 or V10 […]

Dyson Tool Adaptor: New Style Crescent Fitting to Old Style 32mm Tools

A Dyson tool adaptor is nothing new you may think – but this one is! As a savvy Dyson Medic reader, you are reading about this one before it is even available! That is how much our finger is on the pulse in Dyson land. Early Dysons, being DC01, DC02, DC03, DC04, DC05 (not Motorhead), DC07 […]

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