Using Dyson Tools With a Sebo Vacuum Cleaner

Seeing as Dyson have stopped developing new corded vacuum cleaners, it becomes quite challenging to have a Dyson blog on the subject of new Dysons. Why it’s been pretty quiet around here. There are cordless Dysons of course. But despite the marketing hype, in real-world situations most people we encounter find them unsuitable or inadequate […]

Dyson Red Button Tools: Two Sizes That Look the Same. CY22, CY23, Light Ball & Big Ball Adaptors Explained.

We have written here before to try and demystify the confusion with Dyson tool socket fittings and adaptors. Here is one previous article: Dyson V8 tool adaptors: Use your old tools with your Dyson V7 and V8 (if you have a V8 or V7 – read that instead). Here is another: Which Dyson ‘Universal’ Adaptor […]

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