Using Dyson Tools With a Sebo Vacuum Cleaner

Seeing as Dyson have stopped developing new corded vacuum cleaners, it becomes quite challenging to have a Dyson blog on the subject of new Dysons. Why it’s been pretty quiet around here. There are cordless Dysons of course. But despite the marketing hype, in real-world situations most people we encounter find them unsuitable or inadequate […]

Dyson Tool Adaptor: New Style Crescent Fitting to Old Style 32mm Tools

A Dyson tool adaptor is nothing new you may think – but this one is! As a savvy Dyson Medic reader, you are reading about this one before it is even available! That is how much our finger is on the pulse in Dyson land. Early Dysons, being DC01, DC02, DC03, DC04, DC05 (not Motorhead), DC07 […]

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