Get a traditional style long crevice nozzle tool for your late model Dyson

Dyson have traditionally made tool fitment difficult. For example, the DC15 had a set of tools all of its own. They fitted no other model. The DC19 had a possibility of two totally different types of tool socket; fitment depending on if it is a telescopic wrap or not. That causes parts sellers a world […]

The Dyson Vacuum Universal Tool Set

Is there such a thing as a Dyson universal tool set? Aren’t all Dyson tools model-specific? Is it possible to buy one set of tools that fits every Dyson vacuum cleaner? This is a question we are asked often. People get confused with brush tools, stair tools, crevice tools, combination tools, upholstery tools, mattress tools, […]

How to Save £££’s When Buying a New Dyson Contact Head, Floor Tool or Muscle Head

If you are the owner of a cylinder or canister machine, sooner or later you are going to find yourself needing to replace the contact head. Cylinder Dyson vacuum cleaners typically have one of two types of head on them. One type has a vacuum or electrically driven rotating brush, and the other is a […]

Dyson Tool Adaptor: New Style Crescent Fitting to Old Style 32mm Tools

A Dyson tool adaptor is nothing new you may think – but this one is! As a savvy Dyson Medic reader, you are reading about this one before it is even available! That is how much our finger is on the pulse in Dyson land. Early Dysons, being DC01, DC02, DC03, DC04, DC05 (not Motorhead), DC07 […]

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