How to Strip Down a Dyson DC25 Cleanerhead to Change the Brushroll Motor
How to Strip Down a Dyson DC25 Cleanerhead to Change the Brushroll Motor.
A few people have asked about a tutorial on this subject and how to test the brushroll motor in the head before buying a motor, a PCB or other DC25 cleanerhead spare parts.
So here I am going to show you how to strip down the head to access the PCB and the motor.
Disclaimer: Before we do this, I should point out that testing the motor as described below is NOT for amateurs. Electricity KILLS. Seek the advice of a qualified electrician if in ANY doubt about your own skills.
We expect that by seeking advice here, you are competent enough to be able to make any electrical installations safely and in a safe and legal manner in your jurisdiction. If you are in any doubt whatsoever, do consult an electrician. You accept/implement any advice you read at this site at your own risk.
Before you think about taking the cleanerhead apart, check that the cleanerhead itself is getting an AC feed from the machine. Many people buy replacement cleanerhead parts without even checking this first, and they then assume the parts they bought are faulty (which is unlikely), and then are unhappy to be reminded that PCB’s and motors are usually non-returnable.
So, assuming you have a mains feed from the machine to your head, lets start by stripping the head down……….
Using a 2p coin (or a quarter if you are over the pond) give this screw a quarter turn.
Remove the end cap and brushroll like this.
On the soleplate, there are eight T15 Torx screws and one Philips screw to remove the corner wheel.
Turn it over and remove the top cover.
You can now see the brushroll motor. Remove the toothed brushroll drive belt.
The motor is made by Johnson, it is labelled DC771(2)XLLG and you can buy one >>here<<.
Lets look at testing the motor and fault finding.
If you have a multimeter and know how to use it, you can check resistance across the motor terminals as you would with any other DC motor. If you are unsure whether the PCB is faulty or not, one way to be absolutely sure is to plug the cleanerhead back onto the machine, recline the machine and switch it on.
Carefully probe the terminals while the machine is running.
You are looking for a DC value of somewhere around 300-330v on a UK, European or Australian machine (US machines may differ, ask local advice on this if in the US or Canada). No feed from the PCB, but a feed from the machine tells you the PCB is faulty.
If you have a 330-330vDC feed from your PCB, and the motor isn’t running, we know now that the motor needs replacing. To get it out of the housing, lift the retaining arm up in the direction of the arrow just a little……..
Take notice of where the little spring sits that tensions the belt – and don’t lose it.
The motor now comes out like so.
If you prefer to watch a video overview, the video below shows you a strip down and rebuild of a Dyson Dc25 cleanerhead in less than six minutes.
Where to get spare parts for your Dyson DC25.
- For the T15 screwdriver you need to do the job look >>here<<
- For the brushroll motor look >>here<<
- For the PCB look >>here<<
- If you need a whole new cleanerhead look >>here<<
- For a brushroll look >>here<<
- For a replacement end cap look >>here<<
- For a replacement perspex housing and cover look >>here<<
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