How to Replace the Small Bearing on a Dyson DC24.

This is a Dyson Medic tutorial for the trade or public on how to replace the small bearing on your Dyson DC24 ball vacuum cleaner.

The ball of a Dyson DC24 runs on two bearings. Looking at the machine from the front, the small one we are talking about is on the left, and a larger one (that seldom wears) is on the right.

You know the small bearing (as its called – even though it looks more like a cog) is worn because the ball in your machine will be loose and clunky.

On badly worn ones, the ball can catch the HEPA filter while in use and even release the filter which then causes the ball to lock up.

If your ball has significant lift at the left hand side to the extent it clunks up and down, this is the repair job that will fix it. Its a cheap part and an easy fix.

The bearing we are going to change is located in this region.

DC24 cog repair

Start by reclining the machine.

DC24  ball repair

Remove the short hose.

DC24 loose ball repair

There are four T15 screws that undo the ball. Unscrew them and take the ball shell and the HEPA filter off.

DC24 clunky ball

Now undo this screw.

DC24 small cog repair

Your worn bearing is here.

DC24 ball repair

Here is the old and the new side by side.

DC24 small bearing

Push the motor casing in slightly with your thumb to manipulate the old one off and the new one on.

DC24 cog repair

Here is the new one in place.

Fix Dyson DC24 loose ball

Reassembly is simply a reverse of disassembly.

Do be sure that when you refit the ball, the teeth of the little cog sit in the ridge of the ball like this.

Dyson DC24 cog replacement

So when you close the ball back up on the machine, it will be like this (demonstrated off the machine for clarity).

Dyson DC24 loose ball

It is normal for the new cog to seem a little loose. If it were too tight, the machine would be hard to push and it would wear out even faster. Also, the hole in the ball wears a little as well over time, which also makes them seem a tad loose. However, it will be way tighter than before and all the clunking will have gone. And the filter won’t pop out any more and lock up the ball.

If you prefer to see a video of this, you can watch that below.

If you need a single small bearing cog for a home repair, you can get one here: Dyson DC24 small Bearing Cog.

If you are in the trade, you may prefer a pack of ten which you can get here: 10x Dyson DC24 Ball Small Bearing Cogs

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