A Cheaper Option for Dyson Cylinder Turbine Turbo Head Floor Tools

Dyson turbine heads (sometimes called turbo heads) are the full size vacuum-driven heads that come with many models of cylinder or canister Dyson vacuum cleaners.

They are designed to replicate the beater bar action of a conventional upright vacuum cleaner by utlising a rotating brush on the carpet to dislodge dirt.

You can buy them for attaching to the wand of upright machines too (But why would you?), but application is mostly designed for canister/cylinder machines.

Over time – such as with the DC05 Motorhead – Dyson have experimented with electrically driven turbine heads. But most are vacuum-driven.

Dyson have produced a myriad of designs of these over the years.

Dyson Turbine Heads

However, as many of those who tried to buy a replacement item have found, fittings can differ greatly between models.

Dyson got in the habit of changing the tool fitting sockets between different models and sometimes the storage hook that mounted it on the machine. The DC19 even had two completely different hose fittings, depending if it was a standard DC19 or a DC19T2 (Telescopic Wrap).

Most Dyson specialists will groan when asked to identify which turbine head fits which particular model. Especially since, with used machines, people may have swapped and changed handles, hoses and wands to make similar heads fit.

Dyson got into the habit of supplying new ones with a range of adaptors. But specialists know that even they do not allow fitment to all models. Far from it in fact. Dyson themselves often supply the wrong part such is the difficulty.

The confusion arises because most turbine heads look something like this.

Dyson turbine head

But here is a similar one.


The eagle-eyed will notice that while they appear to be the same part, the end connector socket that fits to the vacuum cleaner is totally different.

And they are not interchangeable without stripping them down to swap over collars – which isn’t an amateur job.

Thankfully, in recent years, Dyson have began to standardise fittings once more. That isn’t to say all are interchangeable, but similarities exist where they didn’t before on some models.

What has remained unchanged is the price.


As you can see above, a replacement turbine head for a DC23 will cost you fifty five of your hard-earned pounds if bought from Dyson.

For genuine Dyson turbine heads, the after-market parts sellers are unable to offer much in the way of discounts. Margins are quite tight on genuine Dyson stuff, so shopping about may only shave a few pounds off.

So, how to save money? 

Well, here at Dyson Medic, we are well-known for making you aware of the bargains.

If you have one of these Dyson cylinder vacuum cleaners: DC19T2 (NOT the normal DC19), DC22, DC23, DC28c, DC29, DC32, DC33c, DC36, DC37, DC38, DC39, DC47, DC52, DC53, DC54 (Cinetic) or DC63, your machines all have on thing in common: The tool socket.

If you have one of those machines, your multi/crevice/stair tools all have this socket fitting:

dyson late tool fitting

This not only means you can use the spiffy adaptor to utilise older tools we reported on a few months ago, but it also means that you can get yourself one of these replacement turbine heads.

Replacement Dyson Turbine Head

They do not cost £55 like a Dyson one does.

They cost well under £20 even with UK delivery. You can save over £35 by getting one! 

Click the little guy below if you want to know where to get one from.

Click here to buy a Dyson tool adapter


Any downsides to using one of these? 

Depending on your machine model, they may not locate too well (or at all) on the machine for storage. But very few people stow their head on the machine in any event. Most people store them in a tangle under the stairs. icon_whistle

If your machine has not got any amber/orange on it, it may not be a perfect colour match. Do you really care about colour when you are saving over £35?

Erm……… that’s about it for downsides.

Who is out of luck? 

If you are a the owner of a DC02, DC05, DC08, DC11, standard DC19, DC20 or DC21, this will not fit your machine. Use the comment box below to ask what your options are if you have one of those models.

This head will fit a DC26 City, but I am not convinced the DC26 has enough guts to generate the suction required to turn the turbine and make it effective. Please report back using the comment box below if you try one of these with a DC26. For Dc26 owners, I would recommend >>one of these<< instead.


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29 Responses to “A Cheaper Option for Dyson Cylinder Turbine Turbo Head Floor Tools”

  1. I have an dc08 and need a new brush for it is there a cheaper version available because original ones. are £50 which im not willing to pay i look forward to your reply thank you .

  2. OK, I still have a DC02 in use, what are my options? 🙂

  3. For a DC02, if you want a turbine head, contact Manchester Vacs here as that is an easy solution. They may even have some new original ones (they did exist).

  4. Hi, what other head model would fit a DC08 please ? Thanks

  5. It depends which model of DC08. There are two types.

  6. Hi I have a dc20 animal can you advise what alternative there is for my machine please.

  7. Apart from genuine, not much Tcuzz, you are in the same predicament as this chap: http://manchestervacs.co.uk/DysonForum/index.php/topic,3045.0.html

  8. Dyson DC 11 needing turbo head – any suggestions please?

  9. 911566-04 will fit. Ask for a price here.

  10. Hi, What replacement heads are available for the standard DC19 please.

  11. Only genuine as far as I am aware. This one: http://bit.ly/2h9WjGu

  12. Hi, please can you tell me whether there is a cheaper alternative head for the DC08 animal telescopic? thank you

  13. Hi, I have an old DC05 turbo head model. The turbo head broke, so years back I ordered a turbine head – it has the red pull/push filter gauze on the side to change from tiles to a carpet. It required an adapter to connect the DC05 wand to the Turbine Head. Now the Turbine Head is behaving like its drive belt has lost tension over time, so it refuses to spin properly. Can your brush head be used in place of a Dyson Turbine Head?

  14. Not for the DC05. Source a used head or have the one you have refurbed.

  15. I have a dyson bigball origin, looking for a turbine head to fit but not sure which?

  16. Derek Thompson on June 18th, 2019 at 5:59 pm

    I have a DC19 animal, what are my options regarding turbo head replacement. The one we bought has never worked but Dyson don’t want to know. The flat head supplied as standard is no use on carpets. We also have a dyson cordless and the turbo head on that only turns for and initial few seconds then the motor stops for a second, then restarts with no turbo action. I’ve had with Tain turbo heads and their prices are ridiculous.

  17. I have a Dyson DC11. A fault has developed in the Turbine Floor Tool: The internal flexible hose connecting the cleaner end to the head has seriously split (causing vacuum to be lost). I am aware that a replacement head is circa £50+. To save that expense, is it possible to buy, and replace, just the hose? The hose is plastic, with a concertina design and steel spring bracing.

  18. A genuine one is better on a DC19. And beware the two types of tool sockets on those too.

  19. That hose was never sold on its own. A used head from eBay to cannibalise may be the answer.

  20. Hi I have a DC20 and need to change the head. We don’t have any carpets what are my options?

  21. The hard floor tool, part number 906562-08.

  22. I have a DC39 and was given a Turbo head which is from a DC08. Is there anyway I can fit it to my DC39?

  23. Not easily, no.

  24. Your remark above about different turbine head fittings ‘ And they are not interchangeable without stripping them down to swap over collars – which isn’t an amateur job.’ Have you got a guide on how to do this, or any adaptor that might solve it? Thanks

  25. There are no adaptors that work long term, it depends exactly what you want to do. Ask here: http://dysonforums.com

  26. Hi, I have a DC20 and need to replace the floor tool. I have both hard floors and carpets. What is the best option?

  27. That is an obscure model, I’d recommend Dysons website for that.

  28. I have a stowaway and the turbine head flexible bit has perished. Very grateful for low cost replacement ideas please

  29. Looking for a replacement brushbar(2 parts) to fit a DC21 motorhead cylinder or an alternative option. Any advice?

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