How to save money on a mini turbine tool for a DC07, DC14, DC15 or DC18.

Don’t you just hate it when a simple solution to an old problem falls in your lap, and then you find out it was there all along and you never noticed? That is what happened today. A good customer of mine wanted a mini turbine tool for his DC07, and was complaining that the well-regarded […]

Where to Get a Cheap Dyson Mini Turbo Turbine Head

The mini turbine tools you can get for Dyson machines are sometimes also called mini turbo heads. Essentially, they are vacuum-driven little tools with a rotating brush inside that can be used on upholstery and stairs that often have a better effect than using a simple stair or brush tool would. The problem for Dyson […]

Dyson’s over-priced mini turbine tool no longer dominates the market!

For some time, Dyson customers have been wondering why the mini turbine tool that Dyson sell costs an agonizingly expensive £45 to buy from them. It seems a little over-priced at £45 doesn’t it? “Forty five quid?” I hear you gasp in disbelief. For sure, Dyson have never been shy in selling an item at the very top end of what they […]

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