Comment: The Bleak Future of Refurbished & Reconditioned Dysons

It has been said by some recently that the window of opportunity for professional refurbishing of Dyson vacuum cleaners and other Dyson machines is coming to an end. I’ll explain why I think that too, and we’ll maybe discuss. When James Dyson had the reigns of the company instead of Max Conze and the bean […]

Brand New Dyson DC14’s £110 Cheaper than Dyson

Want to save a cool £110 on a brand new Dyson? The DC14 is a great Dyson vacuum cleaner. It is the culmination of everything Dyson learned making the DC01, DC04, and DC07. You can read our review on the DC14 here: >>Dyson DC14 Review<< if you want to know more about them. The DC14, is […]

Brand New Dyson DC14 for Just £189 Including Delivery

Looking for new Dyson DC14? The DC14 Origin is one of Dyson’s all-time best-selling models. A well loved machine that many people were sorry to see go. The DC33 replacement many people say is “too plasticky”. They are hard to find new since Dyson discontinued them, as most have been long since sold. However, Dyson Medic has […]

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