Dyson’s over-priced mini turbine tool no longer dominates the market!
For some time, Dyson customers have been wondering why the mini turbine tool that Dyson sell costs an agonizingly expensive £45 to buy from them.
It seems a little over-priced at £45 doesn’t it?
“Forty five quid?” I hear you gasp in disbelief.
For sure, Dyson have never been shy in selling an item at the very top end of what they think they can get for it. After all, they are capitalists. They want to earn some money and they have a lot of R&D and other expenses to cover.
But if you wanted a Dyson mini turbine head (part number 915034-01) before now, you were stuck with gritting your teeth and giving them forty five of your hard-earned quids for one.
Here is what theirs looks like:
As ever, when a large manufacturer such as Dyson is extracting forty five reluctant quids out of the public for an item that is similar to what companies such as Vax and Hoover sell for about half that, the after-market will respond.
Indeed, the after-market has responded. Here it is:
What I can tell you is that it isn’t £45.
Nor is it £35.
Nor is it even £25.
(I know I am sounding like Del Boy on a market stall now………….. )
Just £17.99 gets one of these to your front door in the next few days.
This turbine head fits the DC01, DC02, DC03, DC04 (but not the lime green/grey clutchless) and the DC05.
These are £17.99 including UK shipping from this page:
If you need the perceived security blanket that is eBay, then it costs you a pound more; for the seller to help cover their fees:
>>Dyson Mini Turbine Tool on eBay<<
If looking for a Dyson mini turbine head, consider a non-genuine one that does the same job and save yourself a cool £27.
Don’t let Dyson shamelessly plunder your pocket for an eye-watering £45 when you can save yourself £27.