Archive for November, 2012

Brand New Dyson DC14 for Just £189 Including Delivery

Looking for new Dyson DC14? The DC14 Origin is one of Dyson’s all-time best-selling models. A well loved machine that many people were sorry to see go. The DC33 replacement many people say is “too plasticky”. They are hard to find new since Dyson discontinued them, as most have been long since sold. However, Dyson Medic has […]

Stripping Down a Dyson Clutch: DC04, DC07, DC14 and DC33.

When a Dyson clutch is faulty, I prefer to change the unit. Its more time efficient. I also prefer to buy a new clutch over a used one. However, if a clutch looks otherwise OK, and the white nylon wheel isn’t all chewed up, and only the belt has snapped, I sometimes change the belts. Some of […]

Dyson launches the DC50 ball.

Dyson have launched the new DC50 ball. (What happened to the late forties machines we don’t know – maybe they are saving those model numbers for later). Confusing isn’t it? 40 or so models of Dyson vacuum cleaners. Why re-invent the wheel so fast? Or is re-invent the ball……… Anyway, the new DC50 appears to be part of the DC40/DC41 family, in that […]

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