Archive for March, 2012

What is the difference between the Dyson DC40 and the Dyson DC41?

What is the difference between the Dyson DC40 and the Dyson DC41? I was asked this question the other day, and although regarded by some as a bit of a Dyson guru, I didn’t have the foggiest idea. I knew they were both recently released “Ball” machines, but as to the difference between them? No idea at all.  So today, whilst in a […]

Dyson DC33 Instruction Operating User Manual

Looking for an original Dyson instruction and operating manual for your Dyson DC33? You have come to the right place. When you buy a used or a reconditioned Dyson, unless you have acquired it from a meticulous old chap who had it from new, you are unlikely to have got the original user manual. Many […]

Where to get a Dyson DC33 back hose

Looking for a Dyson DC33 back hose? Everyone likes to save a few pounds in these lean times, and very often when buying parts for your Dyson, that means buying good quality after-market parts. As the Dyson DC33 is a relatively new model at the time of writing, not many places have the spares for them just yet. If […]

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